Owner's Manual Workshop Series with Vicki Robinson,
Feldenkrais® and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®
3 Saturdays: Sept 7th, Oct 5th, Nov 9th 2024.
How do we lean into, adapt, expand, and thrive in the midst of chaotic times? The ability to be in today’s challenging world can be a bit like walking a tightrope. We brace, tighten, check out, and often live in overwhelm. Movement goes beyond metaphor and we can thrive even though we are moving through changing times.
All of these are full-body movement lessons that fit different themes.
Prepay all three sessions: $180.
Each individual session: $65.​
Sept 7th, 2024: 1 – 3:30 pm
Leaning In: Finding the ground, and orienting to the environment.
In this workshop we’ll look at ways to sense into the ground, connect into our whole selves as well as the world around us. Find greater balance and ability to be present.
Oct 5th, 2024: 1 – 3:30pm
Adapting: Freedom to move in any direction without preparation.
Agency refers to the freedom of making choices; this is essential for our nervous systems to be able to move through challenges. In this workshop we look at how we have choice in how we move through life.
Nov 9th, 2024: 1 - 3:30pm
Expanding: Through breath we claim all of our ‘real estate.’
Our breath can sometimes halt, become shallow or rapid …our nervous system reflects a need to get ready to run or hide. We’ll look at ways of sensing breath from head to toe.
Space is limited, please sign up early to reserve your spot.
Each session focuses on a movement theme and includes at least two movement lessons. These lessons will include lessons that are done lying on mats on the ground, as well as possibly seated and standing. Please contact Vicki if you have concerns about these positions.